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Joan Mitchell Foundation Artist-in-Residence Program


Building on its grants programs, the Foundation opened the New Orleans-based Joan Mitchell Center in 2015 to host artists in residencies, providing working and living spaces on the Center’s two-acre campus. The Foundation’s decision to locate the residency program in New Orleans was, in part, a continuation of the direct financial support the Foundation provided to the city’s creative community following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.


Open to the Foundation’s grant recipients and to local New Orleans artists who apply for studio space, the vision for the Artist-in-Residence (AIR) Program at the Center is to provide that crucial element—time and space for artistic contemplation and experimentation—while offering artists opportunities to engage with partner arts organizations, arts professionals, and others in the community. All resident artists are provided with private studio space at the Center, along with a stipend and communal dinners. Additionally, those artists traveling to the Center from outside New Orleans are provided with on-site lodging and financial support to transport necessary materials and works.


The Foundation first began hosting artists in temporary residency spaces in New Orleans in 2013, and then opened the Joan Mitchell Center in 2015. Over these five years, it has hosted nearly 200 artists (artist profiles linked below). Establishing opportunities for local artists in New Orleans remains a critical aspect of the Foundation’s work at the Center, and every Artist-in-Residence cycle includes a selection of artists from the city. The residency program is complemented by a roster of events, including open studios, artist talks, and networking events, which foster creative exchange and encourage relationship-building among artists and other members of the New Orleans community. Artists also have access to professional training and advisement, including studio visits with curators, and consultations and workshops with arts, business, and legal professionals.







Félicitations à l'artiste AMY SCHISSEL.

Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer qu'Amy Schissel est la récipiendaire 2019 du Prix de l'artiste en résidence de la Fondation Joan Mitchell. Mme Schissel passera l'été 2019 à la Nouvelle-Orléans, au Centre Joan Mitchell, pour créer de nouveaux projets et développer des relations professionnelles.

Mme Schissel est également récipiendaire de la bourse de la Fondation Joan Mitchell en 2018. Toutes ces bonnes nouvelles font suite à sa présentation réussie de HYPER-ATLAS en novembre/décembre 2018 à la galerie Patrick Mikhail à Montréal.

Nos sincères remerciements à la Fondation Joan Mitchell pour son généreux soutien et sa reconnaissance de la pratique professionnelle de Mme Schissel.

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